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Visual Sclerotherapy vs. Ultrasound-Guided Sclerotherapy: Which Is Right for Me?

Visual Sclerotherapy vs. Ultrasound-Guided Sclerotherapy: Which Is Right for Me?

Varicose and spider veins are visible or bulging veins that may appear discolored and can become uncomfortable. Sclerotherapy is an effective treatment for this issue.

At the Cardiovascular Institute of America, Dr. Muthu Velusamy offers both visual sclerotherapy and ultrasound-guided sclerotherapy from locations in Tampa and Lutz, Florida. Which procedure is right for you? Let’s review.

Understanding sclerotherapy

If you have varicose veins in your legs, the valves in your leg veins have weakened. Weakened valves allow blood to pool, creating a bulging protrusion that is often dark purple. Varicose veins are most common in your legs due to the distance blood has to travel from your heart and the effects of gravity on your blood flow.

Sclerotherapy is a common treatment used to address varicose veins. Varicose veins or spider veins can be uncomfortable. They also cause your legs to look less than their best. And, in some cases, blood flow obstruction can become a health problem.

In this procedure, our team at the Cardiovascular Institute of America closes a weakened or damaged vein, preventing blood from pooling in that area. After sclerotherapy, your blood flow naturally reroutes to healthier veins. Blocked-off veins reabsorb into your body.

Sclerotherapy only takes one office visit. Any minor bruising you see after treatment should vanish rapidly without further intervention. We typically recommend one follow-up appointment to check your results.

Ultrasound-guided vs. visual sclerotherapy

Both types of sclerotherapy are safe and effective and use local anesthesia to keep you comfortable during your procedure. But, there are some differences between these procedural approaches.

Visual sclerotherapy uses an injected sclerosant to irritate and collapse the vein wall of a targeted vein. The most common substance used as a sclerosant is sodium tetradecyl sulfate liquid. However, when your blood interacts with the sclerosant, it limits its effectiveness. There is a slim chance that a vein may not become completely blocked.

In ultrasound-guided sclerotherapy, our team benefits from ultrasound guidance technology when delivering your injection. This procedure uses a slightly different injection solution. The foam-based sclerosant also contains oxygen gas needed to support ultrasound imaging. During this procedure, the entire targeted vein is evenly penetrated by the sclerosant foam.

The location, severity, and positioning of your varicose veins may determine which procedure is best. Our providers at the Cardiovascular Institute of America discuss your treatment options with you, ensuring you understand your choice and determine the right procedure for your unique needs.

For help with varicose veins and spider veins, including sclerotherapy and other forms of treatment, contact Dr. Velusamy and the team at the Cardiovascular Institute of America now. Schedule your initial consultation appointment online or over the phone.

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