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Doc, Can I Exercise Even When I Have a Heart Problem?

Patients newly diagnosed with heart problems often have questions about what they should and shouldn’t do to keep their hearts beating. A particularly frightening event, such as a heart attack, can leave you wondering what’s safe and what’s not, especially regarding exercise. 

At the Cardiovascular Institute of America, our staff of experts, led by Dr. Muthu Velusamy, helps patients navigate life following a cardiovascular event. We can help you understand your specific condition, whether you have heart disease, issues with heart rhythm, or other problems. We can also advise how to improve your health and lower your chances of a future cardiovascular event. 

Exercise for better health

Our patients' most common question about exercise is whether or not it is safe to work out when you have a heart problem. If your heart is weak, should you push it to work hard? 

The answer is yes. Exercise and an active lifestyle could save your life. 

According to the American Heart Association, research shows that active patients lower their risk of dying by 71%. Some people experience an event like a heart attack or receive a diagnosis of a heart problem and realize it’s time to get on track with potentially damaging habits. 

Get follow-up care

If you've been hospitalized for a heart problem, you know that your providers want you up and moving as soon as possible. That's because exercise is crucial when you have an issue with your heart. 

You may not know what to do once you're released from the hospital. That's where we come in. We can help you develop a plan to help you heal and improve your heart health. 

We can guide exercise, nutrition, and stress reduction—an essential element of good heart health. 

Details designed for you

It's good for your doctor to say, "Make sure you're getting enough exercise," but that's not always helpful. You may be left wondering what kinds of exercise you should be doing, how often, at what intensity, and other questions. 

Our staff can help you answer all these questions, and we consider your circumstances. If you were a regular at the gym before developing heart issues, you wouldn't have the same plan as someone new to exercise, for example. 

Live longer with a higher quality of life

When you first begin an exercise program, it can feel daunting. You may struggle to set aside time or find an activity you enjoy. Our team knows how difficult it can be to develop a new habit. 

We know that developing new habits around nutrition and exercise can lead to a longer life and less likelihood of a future cardiac event. Even better, patients who begin exercising enjoy a higher quality of life than those who don't. 

If you'd like to learn more about improving your health when you have a heart problem, schedule a consultation at the Cardiovascular Institute of America today. We want to help you live a long, active life!

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